How Vulnerable Are You To Stress?

How Vulnerable Are You To Stress?

Three things Charles Darwin never said but could have:·        It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.
·        In the long history of humankind (and animal kind, too) those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively prevailed.
·        Having a happy social lifestyle is very effective in managing stress.

Mark each statement from 1 (always applies to you) to 5 (never applies to you), according to how accurate each statement is in describing your current lifestyle.
1. Always True            2. Often True 3. Sometimes True     4. Seldom True           5. Never True

1.         I eat at least one hot, balanced meal a day                                                                                                                            
2.         I get 7 to 8 hours of sleep at least 4 nights a week                                                    
3.         I have at least 1 person who lives nearby from whom I can ask a favor                                            
4.         I exercise to the point of perspiration at least twice a week                                                    
5.         I do not smoke                                                            
6.         I drink fewer than five alcoholic drinks a week                                                            
7.         I am the appropriate weight for my height                                                      
8.         I drink fewer than two cups of coffee (or tea or cola) a day                                                    
9.         I have a network of friends, family and acquaintances on whom I can rely                                        
10.  I confide with at least one person in my network about personal matters                                   
11.       I am generally in good health                                                 
12.       I am able to speak openly about my feelings when angry, stressed or worried                      
13.       I do something for fun at least once a week                                                   
14.       I recognize stress symptoms                                                  
15.       I take quiet time for myself during the day                                                      
16.       I have an income adequate to meet my basic expenses                                                        
17.       I spend less than an hour each day traveling to and from work                                                         
18.       I am calm when I am kept waiting/stuck in traffic/late for an appointment?                            
19.       I have regular calm conversations with the people I live with about domestic problems,                   e.g., chores, money and daily living issues                                                 
20.       I never try to do everything myself                                                     
21.       I never race through a day                                                     
22.       I never complain about time wasted and the past                                                      
23.       I feel organized and in control                                                            
24.       I am able to organize my time effectively                                                       
25.       I recognize when I am not coping well under pressure

e.g: If your response add up to 50, your degree of vulnerability to stress is calculated thus:

[(Your response – 25)* 100/100] = [(50-25)*100/100] = 25% vulnerability


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